Newcastle Site
Our primary goal has been achieved with the establishment of our flagship PE & PP separation technology plant in Newcastle in Q2 2018. The plant is fully operational with an annual capacity of 6000 tons; recycling mixed rigid waste plastic feedstock and dispatching sales of our recycled PE & PP post-consumer resin to our customers in the UK and EU.
Our Newcastle site is accredited with End of Waste (EoW) status by the UK Environment Agency. As part of the EoW process we are an accredited reprocessor for Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs). As an accredited PRN reprocessor, and by virtue of our adherence to BSEN 15343, we have a duty to follow rigorous sampling procedures to determine the post-consumer plastic packaging content of our feedstock on a load by load basis.
Our long term goal is to roll our similar recycling plants globally.
Post Consumer Resin (PCR)

Technical Data
How we test the purity of the separated streams